Stirling university Media department trip

Today’s blog is about me and the rest of the Community Development Team from Creative Stirling going to visit Stirling University a few days ago to explore the media equipment, cameras, and some rooms (that sometimes people are not allowed into…).

In this blog I will talking step by step on what we saw and did up at the University, so let’s get to it.

The first thing we had to do was get to the University, so we took the service bus from Stirling town centre which was fun because I like taking the bus and I feel like I need more experience taking public transportation, so this was great to do. We got off and we walked up the stairs to the Pathfoot Building and into the Art Gallery area of the University. We saw two statues of Adam and Eve and some art work, including pictures of people with red paint all of over the sides of them, one strangely being blue for some reason, but very impressive and very artistic.

The tour was hosted by Kevin “the Post Production Coordinator” of the media department and this is where we got started with the tour around the building. First we went into the lecture hall where Kevin told us people who work with the BBC come in and do lectures, which is cool. Also, down where the main desk is there were microphones, and I got to play around with them by shouting “alright class sit down and shut up!”, pretending like I was a strict teacher, which was funny. I was told by Kevin to put them back, which I did.

Next up we went to D corridor which had all of the cool and awesome camera equipment. One of the cameras that I really liked was an expensive industry standard Sony camera. It was being screened on a monitor in a flight case (in a the box) that was attached to the to the main camera, which was very cool. Me and the rest of the guys really liked being on the screen. I forgot what was the name of the of the box screen was but it had to be my favourite part, along with the big lecture hall. Also, the camera that was used is also used for making movies and tv shows so that’s cool.

Then after we were done looking at all the cameras we went to see the radio studio and YES Stirling University has, or at least used to have, a radio station, which I didn’t know. Sadly, it’s not in use at the moment, in fact I don’t think its been used in years, but we were still allowed to look around. We also meet a lady called Demi, who is currently a student and I found out that she worked on the hit show Black Mirror. She is now going to Stirling University which is nice. So hats off to Demi, and I hope she gets to take part in future projects in the industry.

After the trip we got the bus back to creative Stirling.

It was very successful trip to Stirling University and I had good time there seeing all the equipment and art work. I might not go to Stirling University in future, I’m not sure I’m ready. That’s my expectations for me right now, but since I am getting better and better doing my radio show “Cramb in Creative” on Stirling Community Radio and doing my blogs… who knows, maybe I will.

Either way it was still a good experience going to the Uni for a visit and the tour was brilliant. So, a big shout out to Kevin for giving us the tour around and from me and everyone here at Creative Stirling we hope we do more stuff together in the future.



The Adventures of Careers Fairs, Cameras and a Jamie Cramb