Cramb in the New Year!

Christmas is now over and now I am back in Creative Stirling. So, how was my first day back? It feels great! I am glad that I am back doing my show Cramb in Creative and the first thing that  I decided to do on my show was to see what events were happening in Made in Stirling and Creative Stirling. Sadly, there were no big events yet (understandably, because this was still the first days of the year and most of the events will start up as the year goes one).

However, I decided to talk about what I did during Christmas, and if you want to hear about you, you can check out my show on Stirling Community Radio ‘Cramb in Creative’, Thursdays at 3pm!

Now where was I… Oh yes! Now, on Christmas day I got a bunch of Lego- a star wars and a batman set! I also got a ‘Los Pollos Hermanos’ t-shirt because I’m big fan of Breaking Bad! I finished it early last year and I miss so much! Anyways, I also a ‘Deadpool’ comic because am also a fan of the Deadpool films too.

On Christmas day I watched the new Wallace and Gromit movie, ‘Vengeance Most Fowl’, which was really good because, come on, its ‘Wallace and Gromit’… how could you not love it?! It was also the return of the greatest Wallace and Gromit villain, Feathers McGraw from the ‘Wrong Trousers’, so that’s a big plus! On Boxing Day, I also watched the second season of ‘Squid Game’ which I had been so looking forward to since it was announced. I knew it wasn’t going to be as good as the first season because it came out when we were all stuck inside due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and (spoiler alert for first one if you haven’t watched it) most of the characters we like from the first season are *unalived*. The second season ended on a cliff hanger, which a lot of shows do (to keep us wanting more) but this one felt like more of a mid-season break than a season finale, but oh well…

:Side note: I just found out that ‘Squid Game’ is going to have a MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) style cinematic universe which I am a bit worried about (in case it ruins it), but I am excited we’re going to have more, so let’s wait and see!

On Hogmanay, my whole family came to my house to celebrate, which was nice to have everyone together. When turned midnight, I just went straight to bed I was so tired.

When I came back to work on the 7th it was good to see everyone- Sam, Ryan, and the rest of the team. I was looking what events were happing, but like said this is just the New Year so things will be in full swing soon. In February, Shonah (one of the Made in Stirling makers) will be showing her bespoke glass pieces in a new exhibition. The planning is still in the works, so we don’t know all the details yet but am sure it’s going to be good!

Last night, Sam and Ryan went to St Mungo’s High School to promote the Community and Media Matter course (which I am a graduate of), and I just spoke with Sam and she said went very well, which is great. Also, at some point I am going to be doing another careers fair at some during the year, and I’m looking forward to it. Next week, students from New Collage Lanarkshire will have their work on show in Gallery 2 (just like the students from Forth Valley Collage and Stirling University). Make sure you come and see it- I am also looking forward to see what they have been doing!

Anyways, that my blog for the week I will be back with another blog soon. I want thank you all for reading and I will see you all soon! Hope you’ve had a great start to 2025- see ya soon!



What’s cooking in the art world?


2024, it’s been a blast!