Organisations & local services
Access to Creative Education in Scotland
Widening Participation programme
Forth Valley College
College delivering more than 750 courses from campuses in Alloa, Falkirk and Stirling.
Forth Valley Lavender Rooms
Alloa based 18+ LGBTQIA+ organisation dedicated to supporting the community within Forth Valley.
Glasgow Print Studio
Printmaking facilities in Glasgow
LGBT Youth Scotland
Nation LGBTQIA+ youth charity (for ages 13-25).
Made in Stirling
Show and sell concept store showcasing the best local artists & makers in one place. Hireable space, gallery, studios, workshops, and more.
Media Zoo
Media, learning, and communications agency
National Film & TV School Scotland
World class training in film & TV
Radical Weavers
A non-profit workshop based in Stirling city centre, aims to help to tackle social isolation through offering therapeutic crafting experiences.
Stirling Champs
Service for care experienced children & young people
Stirling Community Radio
Local radio station and podcasting studios. Volunteer led. Youth employability courses.
Stirling Pride
Forth Valley Pride Committee. LGBTQIA+ events and Stirling’s official Pride celebration.
Stirling Photography Festival
Event, exhibitions, workshops, networks, and support for photographers across Stirling & Forth Valley.
Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum
Local art gallery & museum. Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum celebrates the rich history of Stirling. For a great day out, visit the only free Stirling tourist attraction.
Stirling Voluntary Enterprise
SVE is Stirling's third sector interface.
Stirling Young Carers
Support services for young carers
The Kitchen at 44
The Kitchen at 44 CIC is a social enterprise dedicated to help people deal with the social issues surrounding food.
University of Stirling
Public university in Stirling,
Unseen Unheard
LGBTQIA+ youth archiving project (for ages 13-25).
Creative Professionals
Abbie Lois
Illustrator and printmaker
Alan Henderson
Comics, illustration and cartoon books
Ali Murray
Sound design & foley
Aris Anastassopoulos
Production Sound Mixer
Carina Rose Designs
Fashion designer
Chris Maxwell
Camera Operator
(Steadicam) -
Colin McLaren
Daniel Martin
Fine Artist
David Galletly
Artist, illustrator, and graphic designer
Elle Wilson
Costume designer
Indie Flynn
Animator, illustrator, painter, social engagement, and youth work.
Jackie McCraith-Smith
Location management
Jade Diamond
Arts, community & ceramics
Jamie Alexander
Jamie Lapsley
Production Designer
Johann F Domingo
Special effects artist prothetics, costume FX and props
Judith Milne
Assistant Director & Project Manager at NFTS Scotland
Katie Cooper
Make-up Artist
Kweenie Art
Fine artist
Leah-Brooklyn Wren Campbell
Fashion Designs, Pop-Musician, Podcaster & Author
MacKintosh Made
Fine art & ceramics
Miranda Stern
Documentary filmmaker
Rosalind Lawless
Fine Art Printmaker
Sean Hall
Filmmaker. Vivid Affect Productions.
Graphic Designer/ Illustrator/Printmaker and Digital Media and Publishing Lecturer at the University of Stirling
The Dandy Tiger
Illustrator and lead artist for Capital Sci-Fi Con