CAMM roadshow: careers fair edition
This morning, Ryan and I were delighted to attend St Modans HS career fair to spread the word about our Community and Media Matters course.
Kitted out with new merchandise (including our shiny, new standing banner), sticker giveaways and sweets (which we were tricked into bringing by our work experience), we were ready to meet the S4-S6 pupils!
It was great to speak to many young people about what we do, and we currently have on offer for YP in Forth Valley. Our CAMM course, which we are currently running/offering to run directly with schools and community groups, provides young people with an introduction into the world of media and content creation. The 16 hour course, delivered in Stirling Community Media’s professional radio studios, also offers a range of employability skills. If you are interested in taking part in the course, or running this at your school/community group, you can find out more here.
Our CYA (Creative Youth Assembly) group, which newly launched last month, got off to a flying start too. CYA is a group we are running twice a month for young people we work with, age 13-25. We are finding out from our young people what careers they are interested in/want to find out more about, and we will bring in industry experts to give a taster session, talk about their journey and career pathway options.
By introducing YP to professionals in fascinating fields, that are typically perceived as challenging to access, we intend to support them to reach their dreams and show their that their goals are achievable. Find out more about CYA here.
Lastly, Creative Stirling received funding from Youthlink Scotland this year to deliver "“Lavender Lives, Part 2”.
Following on from our first project, Lavender Lives Part 2 will to continue working with LGBTQIA+ young people in Forth Valley, in partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland. The project will provide a range of fun and creative learning activities and experiences, with opportunities to be involved with the development of a potential Forth Valley Pride 2024. Find out more information here.
Big shout out to our work experience, Dream, who helped us out at the career fair today. Dream has been doing their work experience with us twice a week since August. If this is something you would be interested in, contact